Ready-to-Lay Pullets: Backyard Eggs!

Start a Backyard Flock for Daily Eggs!

The snow is still high, but don’t be fooled, spring is fast approaching! This winter, I’ve raised a greenhouse full of laying hens, and they are almost ready to go to their Forever Homes! Add a few fresh ladies to your backyard flock, or start a little flock to enjoy fresh eggs every day.

Raised on gmo-free grain and a lot of loving care, they should begin laying by the end of March. We have Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, Black Stars, and Black Australorps: all dependable layers! These are young hens, and will lay dependably for 2+ years. Prices is $17/ea for <10, $16 for <20, $14.50 for >20. Roosters also available, $10, or free with the purchase of 10 hens.

Only a limited number are still available. ORDER NOW! Pick up will begin March 10. Delivery may be scheduled with a fee, depending on your location.

Please email me at for more info and to order.